P - Lacey's Web Page

Terrier / Cattle Dog / Mixed (medium coat)  : :  Female  : :  Young  : :  Medium

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we don't have
a picture of P - Lacey.

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About P - Lacey

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • General Color: Tan
  • Current Size: 14 Pounds
  • Potential Size: 50 Pounds
  • Current Age: 4 Years 8 Months (best estimate)
  • Housetrained: Yes

The Pacen Puppies were raised at a pecan processing plant.  The puppies were fed by employees but never touched or handled until we trapped them.  The puppies all have very different personailities and survival techniques that helped them survive homeless for the first three months of their lives.  These puppies have been learning to trust, live inside, learn what toys are, and all  the many things that we take for granted that puppies that are raised in normal situations.  These puppies require extreme patience, a very secure yard, and structure.  They absolutely love other dogs.  Homes with human friendly dogs that can help the puppies learn to love humans will be given preference.

We do not know the breed mix on the puppies.  Mom looks cattle dog, a picture of her can be found in the picture section.  Most of the pups have terrier hair.  These are guesses solely based on looks, we do not DNA test our animals.

Lacey's adoption fee of $220.00 includes microchip, alter (spay/neuter), DHPP series and Rabies vaccine. 

Not included in the adoption fee is county license or microchip registration.

We always recommend training classes.

Kim Silver @ Building Bonds Training

Puppy will need potty training as well as basic puppy training. We strongly recommend basic puppy training group classes as it helps build bonds between the adopter and puppy as well as sets boundaries and establishes good patterns for life time commitment.





More about P - Lacey

Good with Dogs, Is Not Good with Kids

P - Lacey's brother, P - Lorell (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
P - Lacey's sister, P- Honey (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
P - Lacey's sister, P- Lil' Miss (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
P - Lacey's brother, P - Spaghetti (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
P - Lacey's sister, P - Pepper (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
P - Lacey's sister, P - Nova (adopted) can also be seen on our website.