Lantana's Web Page

German Shepherd Dog (medium coat)  : :  Female  : :  Senior  : :  Large

Learn more about the German Shepherd Dog.

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About Lantana

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • General Color: Black with Gray or Silver
  • Current Age: 21 Years 3 Months (best estimate)
  • Declawed: No
  • Housetrained: Yes
If ever looking for a dog with all the wonderful qualities of a German
Shepard, this girl is for you.  She's older, a little grey around the
nose, a little slow getting up and slightly weak in her back legs, but
she has all the pep of a young dog, without the obnoxious habits of a
young dog.  She is a big girl and very sweet.  Since coming into her
foster home, she has gotten along beautifully with the cat and the
other dogs.  She is very quiet, only barked a few times and prefers to
spend her time with people in the house.  She lay right next to people
and if you change rooms or go outside, she'll follow and quietly lay
down.  Her soulful eyes have conned more than a few cookies to be given
to her, but she's always gentle when she takes food and has no food
aggression.  She very patiently waits her turn.  She loves squeaky toys
and enjoys a good game of tug of war.  Great in the car, hasn't tried
to get on furniture and is an overall wonderful, sweet dog.  A passion
in her life is to go after water coming out of the hose.  She tried to
do that with the sprinklers, we talked about it and she hasn't done it
since.  She's a gem and is a stellar example of a German Shepard.

More about Lantana

Good with Dogs, Good with Kids